Crossing All the Lines

Wow, a lot has happened within the past couple of months that lead up to this point.  If you couldn’t guess by my title, I have moved back to NY.  Yes, I’m living back with my parents, but it is necessary at the moment.  What made me do it?  I miss NY, I miss home, I miss family/friends, I miss the life I have when in this environment.  Oh yeah and I wanted to give the job search a go here because I believe it will be easier than the time I’ve already wasted.  This move has been a long time coming and I officially made it happen.  So, for those in NY who are wondering, yes I am definitely home.  It was exhausting to move all within 2 days.  You try traveling back and forth between NY and VA within 48 hours and tell me you have energy!  Thanks to my dad, cousin Courtney, and Uncle Jim for all the help.    Now, to continue my failing job search.  Hopefully it will turn around and start to look more positive.  All help/suggestions are welcome!

Now something I’ve been meaning to do since before I left VA.

To my VA friends (and I mean those few that I consider friend),

Thank you.  Thank you for being a friend in a place where I was completely clueless.  For keeping my boredom at a minimum.  For making me smile and/or laugh.  For listening when I needed to talk.  For not being judgmental.  For allowing me to be all these things to you as well.  Of course there is much more to the list, but it would take a whole lot of space to write.  When I first moved to VA, about 3 years ago, I did not expect to meet anyone worthy of decent friendships.  My goal was to complete my Master’s program and get the hell back to NY or wherever a possible career/life took me.  But, that is not in my nature.  I am pretty social and making friends just happens with wherever I place myself.    I did not leave VA in order to dump our friendship, but to better myself and alleviate some emotional pain I have been feeling.  When I announced this, none of you were selfish and showed complete support of my decision.  You have no idea how appreciative I am of that and I wish I could show you, but actions cannot do so.   I do promise to visit when possible.  Yes, that includes Body Jam launches until I can establish a Les Mills class up in NY 😀  I also hope that if you are ever to visit NY, you will take time to say hi and possibly get together.  Again, thank you for everything a friendship could ask for and here’s to future run-ins!  Miss you guys!

et cetera