Crossing All the Lines

I was extremely lucky this past weekend because my sister and niece stayed for a visit.  We were all set to have a lazy time just hanging out thanks to rainy forecasts.  Well, not just rainy, but thunderstorm-y.  Thanks to the lack of consistency of the weather with what is predicted, we were able to do more than just sit around.  On Saturday, it drizzled a bit, which squashed our plans of taking the niece to the zoo.  My bright idea was to take her to the event at the store where I worked.  The event was coloring pre-decorated flower pots and obtaining a seed to grow.  We take her to the area to start her project and she lasts two swipes of the colored pencil she picked up.  What was I thinking when I thought she’d be able to enjoy the project located in the middle of a toy store?  She’s four!  All she was interested in were the toys surrounding her and which one she could possibly add to her collection.  I took the project (which my sister and I decided to do later in the day) and walked around the store; ending up with the simplest items requested from my niece.  After lunch (Subway), we went back to my apartment and played games/colored all day/night.  Sunday it took us a long time to figure out what to do because we did not want to risk the supposed thunderstorm.  As for indoor activities, the Northern VA area lacks anything suitable for a children.  Movies?  Forget it, there is nothing currently playing that could keep a 4 year old interested.  The closest bowling alley?  30-45 minutes away.  After watching the weather fail to do what it was claiming, we decided to risk the zoo.  Packing a few jackets, food, and an umbrella into a backpack started our fun outing.  Oddly enough, the weather ended up as sunny and 80 degrees.  I was so confused.  The zoo was amazing.  Every exhibit had an animated animal, which was cause for great pictures and a happy niece.  The bird exhibit even had us up close and personal with a couple of peacocks.  One was extremely loud, but it was a new experience for the three of us.

After the zoo, we ate dinner and played more games until the night was spent.  After the sister and niece headed back to NY on Monday morning, I couldn’t help but wish we were closer than 5 hours distance.  It was fun and I cannot wait until I see them again.

Back to the grind on Tuesday, everything seems typical at the store.  Toward the end of the shift, the property manager comes to visit looking for the rent check (as promised by the owner).  Clueless to the supposed meeting, I explain the owner was not in or shown up to drop anything off.  She was hesitant, but decided to give us fair warning that her company was planning an eviction in 24 hours if there was no word from the owner.  Yes, we were used to the monthly eviction notices and court subpoenas (sad I know).  But with the property manager telling us in person, it was obvious nothing was going to change their minds this time.  Thus, providing concern and some anxiety amongst my coworkers and I.  Definitely was not looking forward to work the next day.  Along comes Wednesday.  Nothing like having a disturbing feeling in  the pit of your stomach as you watch the clock creep toward the given time slot.  It does not help when the property manager and  maintenance crew were lingering around the outside of the store like vultures.  The time slot is passed by a few minutes.  They are waiting on the sheriff’s department officers as planned for the official eviction.  Once the two officers show, it’s game time.  They ask us to clear the store  of customers, gather any personal belongings, and hand over the keys.  As we are doing so, in comes at least 6-8 guys of the “clean up” crew.  As it goes, we do run in to the owner.  He is outside the gate attempting to argue and push money on the property manager.  She wants nothing to do with him.  He is flustered and has no idea what step to take.  What do we get?  Surely not even an apology, just an”I’ll call you tomorrow.”  That’s  not very reliable to me coming from someone that never answers his phone.  You are definitely not someone I want or am willing to wait around for, not after you pulled this stunt with us twice  within a year.  Holy hell I don’t have a steady job yet again.  Thank God I had a great weekend to reminisce about outside  the madness.  Now what?

et cetera